
Monday, January 19, 2009

the belly

I wanted to send out a picture of the belly to all who have not seen it in awhile. It seems to keep getting bigger! We are getting close now though. Friday is my last day of work and our due date is just over two weeks away! I would not describe my feelings as excited quite yet... hopefully that feeling will come! Overall, I am feeling pretty well. I get tired easily, but I am not overly uncomfortable. I guess I am lucky when it comes to that! We will keep you updated as things come along!


Julie, the mama said...

To a fairly unschooled eye (although I have carried two children to term), I would say that is a belly carrying an intelligent little baby! He/she looks to me like he/she is going to be able to do whatever he/she wants - at least for the first 5 or so years. This basically means that baby Gumdrop is about to rule the roost for quite some time. We are so happy for y'all, and just praying for baby Gumdrop daily!

Please, please keep us posted. May God continue to bless y'all (can you tell I am from the South) and bay Gumdrop!!!!

Fer said...
